COVID-19 Exposure Closure

Temporary Closure Announcement
Temporary Closure
Effective Tuesday, June 16th, 2020
Due to a (+) case of COVID-19 and the subsequent exposure to our office staff, we have chosen to close our office for the immediate time being. All doctors and staff members will be self-quarantining and will be tested for COVID-19 in the coming days. Once our staff has been cleared with negative tests, are symptom-free, and we can ensure the safety of all staff members and our patients, we will return to our regularly scheduled hours. Please stay tuned for updates!
The safety of our staff and patients is paramount. We will re-double all sanitizing efforts and protocols (including a deep clean of the office) to ensure that we are able to keep everyone safe once we re-open. In the meantime, please ensure that you are doing your part by maintaining social distancing and wearing a mask when in public spaces.
Dr. Maglio & Dr. McCleary are still available via telephone or telemedicine for any urgent eye care concerns. Call (860) 747-6443 and select #2.