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Our Office is Ready to Reopen

We are ready to open safely

We are ready to open safely.

We’re Getting Ready for Your Next Visit

Updated Wednesday, May 13th, 2020


As we all begin to think about re-emerging more fully into our lives, we want to express our gratitude to all our patients for their patience and loyalty during the COVID-19 crisis. Throughout this life-altering experience, we have seen so many examples of humanity, grace and community and, with this in mind, we find the energy to move forward to create our new normal for eye care – together.

Our current plan is to begin the process of safely opening our offices on May 20th, assuming state guidelines and infection rates continue to ease up. During this crisis, we have been limiting care to telemedicine visits and office visits for emergency eye and vision problems to support our hospital systems and to protect the usage of critical PPE supplies. On May 20th, we will cautiously begin to see more patients for routine care.

Having you feel safe is our first order of business – and we know it’s yours too. You can expect that, if you visit in person, our offices will be thoroughly sanitized and clean, our staff and patients will be wearing protective equipment, and we will have the processes in place to ensure proper social distancing while you wait. It’s important for you to know that we will be actively monitoring temperatures and screening for COVID-19 symptoms – including all of our team and all patients, too.

We are taking the CDC guidelines very seriously, and therefore want to make you aware of changes to the examination process and ask that you adhere to the following precautions when coming to our office:

1) If you, or anyone in your household, have been in contact with anyone infected with COVID-19, or if you are experiencing a fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, or any other signs of sickness, please do not come to the office. Instead, call us at (860) 747-6443 to reschedule your appointment.

2) As able, when you arrive at the office, please stay in your car and call us so that we can perform your intake remotely. This will limit the number of people in the reception area at one time.

3) Once we have confirmed your information and completed our screening questionnaire, we will invite you into the office. At this time we will check your temperature with a touchless thermometer and may also check your pulse / oxygen percentage. This information will be kept confidential and ensures you are healthy enough to proceed with your exam.

4) Per CT state regulations, please bring a mask or face covering that you can use while in the office. The mask should be worn correctly, so that both the mouth and nose are covered.

5) We will have hand sanitizer available upon entering our office. Please make sure to utilize this service upon entering and as you leave.

6) We ask that only the scheduled patient come to their appointment. Exceptions include 1 caregiver per scheduled minor or adult with special needs. In addition, we have made adjustments to our seating area to accommodate social distancing.

As always, we are devoted to helping each patient stay on track with their vision care. To accommodate this, we will be thoughtfully opening our schedules in the coming weeks, streamlining visits to minimize time in the office and ensure your safety. In addition, we will provide telemedicine visits, as needed. If, during the isolation period, you missed an appointment with us, you likely have been rescheduled already, or you may also call us to reschedule. Please check back to find continued updates.

Collectively, you are the reason we became Optometrists and why we seek to provide the highest standard of care that Clear Horizon Eyecare is known for. We have missed you and we look forward to seeing you all soon.

Warm wishes for your continued health,

Drs. Maglio, McCleary and Staff at Clear Horizon Eyecare