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Dr. Gary R. Maglio, Optometry becomes Clear Horizon Eyecare, LLC!

The doctors and staff of Dr. Gary R. Maglio Optometry are very excited to announce that on July 1st, 2016 the practice will formally become Clear Horizon Eyecare, LLC. Along with this change in business name comes another exciting addition: Dr. Erin L. McCleary will become a partner in the practice with Dr. Gary R. Maglio.

Dr. McCleary has been working with Dr. Maglio in Plainville since early 2014, and is entering her 9th year of practice. She received her Doctor of Optometry with Honors from Pacific University College of Optometry in Forest Grove, OR. While Dr. McCleary sees patients of all ages, she has expertise in the area of pediatric eye care. She will continue to add this specialized service to the already comprehensive eye care historically provided by Dr. Maglio.

Dr. Maglio received his Doctor of Optometry from New England College of Optometry in Boston, MA. He opened his practice in 1984, and has been dutifully serving the eye care needs of the residents of Plainville and its surrounding area ever since. While he is excited to have Dr. McCleary officially join the practice, he is not diminishing his role in the practice, his care for his patients, or his service to the community.

Clear Horizon Eyecare may be the new name of the practice, but the people who have helped to make Dr. Maglio’s practice what it is today, are still here – continuing to provide the best patient eye care and services to Plainville. Lisa Perrotti, who joined Dr. Maglio’s team in its infancy, continues to be the office manager and will still be here to help all of our “regulars” (and all new patients!) find just the right pair of glasses. Iwonna Kulig, who has also been with the practice for over 10 years, maintains her role as primary optician. Darcy Marin rounds out our front desk team and will continue providing billing know-how. And, our optometric technician, Melissa Major, will still be welcoming all of our patients with the smile that everyone is accustomed to seeing.

We want to thank Plainville for the many years of neighborly support! We look forward to continuing to provide excellent eye care to the people of Plainville and its surrounding towns for many years to come. Please keep your eyes open for an invitation to our Open House in the fall. We would love to have your families enjoy an evening with our newly expanding optometric family!